Integrations & API
Sync with your existing tools to simplify your teams’ workflows.
Send prioritized work to your engineering team and track progress in real time to enable seamless collaboration within their preferred tools.
Facilitate the sharing of essential feedback through group chat, ensuring that the entire team can promptly receive important updates.
Knowledge Management
Leverage your knowledge management tool to provide the entire company with a real-time display of important information.
Design Tools
Make these conversations between your company’s Product Managers and Designers more efficient and productive than ever — and bring both teams closer together.
Collaboration Tools
Reduce app-hopping and time wasted hunting for scattered information by making more of your product content directly accessible and viewable in your environment.
Customer Relationship Management
Ensure that feedback and requests captured in your customer relationship management tools become an integral part of your ideation process.
Create your own custom integration. Use the robust! API to import data into from internally built tools and extract data from for reporting purposes. You can also set up basic interactions between tools using Zapier. For more details and comprehensive guidance on the API, refer to this page.
Single Sign-On
Manage user access. Allow users to log in to your account and ideas
portals using your existing SAML enabled identity provider. Require SSO authentication when you share views as a webpage or in a presentation — to keep your planning data secure.
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